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Snow Slides
Areas and Quantities
Pricing in San Antonio
Pricing 30-75 miles
Pricing 75-120 miles
Pricing > 120 miles
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4 Steps to Show How We Deliver Real Snow in Texas!
STEP #1 - Bring in the Ice, Baby!
Depending on the size of the event one or several trucks will be needed to bring in all the ice.
Packaged ice is delivered in 20 lb bags by refrigerated trucks.
An 18 wheeler can bring in 40,000 lbs, enough to cover a 40 x 50 ft. area with fluffy snow!
STEP #2 - Back up the Blower!
A pickup truck pulls a trailer with the snow blower and backs up to the ice truck.
The vehicles have to be within a close vicinity to the area to be covered with ice.
We prefer to stay on pavement with the trucks and blow the snow ice on a grassy area.
STEP #3 - Feed the Machine!
The ice goes into the impeller which finely grinds it up and send it out the hose.
The blower is started and fed with bagged ice. We drop the bags on a breaker bar, that cuts the bag and breaks the ice.
Cover your ears, this is the loud part!
STEP #4 - Here Comes the Snow!
The ice is then launched out of the hose and onto the play area or snow slide area.
We can blow about 25 ft from where the the equipment is parked.
Depending on time limitations, we can crush up to 20,000 within 1 hour with a single blower.
Now, That's A LOT OF ICE!
Our Process
Snow Slides
Areas and Quantities
Pricing in San Antonio
Pricing 30-75 miles
Pricing 75-120 miles
Pricing > 120 miles
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